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Bresser GmbH, Germany SGLV71114

Telescopio Bresser Classic 70/350 AZ

Marca: Bresser GmbH, Germany
Codice: SGLV71114
EUR  183,15
IVA incl.
- +
Telescopio Bresser Classic 70/350 AZ
   Spedizione entro 1 - 2 giorni lavorativi, con possibilità di tempi di consegna prolungati per alcuni articoli. Per verificare la disponibilità, ti invitiamo a contattarci utilizzando il modulo presente nella sezione Contatti.
The Bresser Classic 70/350 AZ Telescope is a light-gathering and compact achromatic refractor for observing celestial and terrestrial objects. With this instrument, you will be able to observe deep-space objects such as stars, clusters, and the Milky Way. This short focal length telescope is easy to set up or transport and can be used by any beginner without special skills in astronomy. The lightweight model makes an ideal choice for nature enthusiasts and travelers who are searching for a powerful telescope that offers a bright and sharp view. The telescope setup and adjustment do not need any special tools, so it's easy to use even by beginners. The multi-coated optics provide for high-contrast images. With the 90° erecting prism, you will easily get upright images, which is especially convenient for terrestrial observations. The 5x24 optical finder with crosshair allows you to conveniently point the telescope tube to the desired object. The Bresser Classic 70/350 AZ tube is mounted on a sturdy and reliable field tripod made of aluminum. The quick lock adapter and the tripod's adjustable length improve the telescope usability, and make observations even more comfortable. The telescope is supplied with a plentiful set of accessories so you can start observations right out of the box. Three eyepieces, a smartphone holder and a tripod carrying case are also included in the kit. Features: Powerful achromatic refractor telescope Wide field of view Suitable for both terrestrial and astronomical observations Lightweight and compact model Lever handle for easy control Powerful and multicoated objective lens for a bright and sharp image Erecting prism for an upright and correct image Quick set-up Expansive kit of accessories Aluminum optical tube, weight 1.0kg Stable aluminum field tripod, adjustable length 73–160cm Bright 5x24 optical finderscope with haircross 3 eyepieces: 20mm, 12.5mm and 4mm Smartphone holder Tripod case MarchioBresser GmbH, GermanyGaranzia2 anniEAN4007922039763Dimensione confezione (LxPxH)65x25x14 cmPeso spedizione3.6 kgDesign delle otticherifrattoreSchema otticoapocromaticoDiametro lente obiettivo (apertura), mm70Lunghezza focale, mm350Ingrandimento, x18 — 140Oculari4 mm, 12,5 mm, 20 mmDiametro barilotto dell'oculare, in1,25Cercatoreottico, 5x24TreppiedealluminioMontaturaaltazimutale
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