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Bresser GmbH, Germany SGLV72349

Telescopio Bresser Solarix 114/500 con Filtro Solare

Marca: Bresser GmbH, Germany
Codice: SGLV72349
EUR  225,79
IVA incl.
- +
Telescopio Bresser Solarix 114/500 con Filtro Solare
   Spedizione entro 1 - 2 giorni lavorativi, con possibilità di tempi di consegna prolungati per alcuni articoli. Per verificare la disponibilità, ti invitiamo a contattarci utilizzando il modulo presente nella sezione Contatti.
Bresser Solarix 114/500 Telescope is an 'all in one' entry-level Newtonian reflector on an alt-azimuth mount designed by a famous German brand. The telescope is delivered completely assembled so you can start astronomy observations in no time. Its main features are high-quality optics, a wide field of application and easy set up. A special feature of Bresser Solarix 114/500 is a solar filter included in the kit. A CE-certified solar filter will ensure completely secure solar observations as only a safe amount of infrared, ultraviolet and visible light is transmitted so that your eyes will be protected against solar radiation. You can use Bresser Solarix 114/500 Telescope for planetary, solar and terrestrial observations. Observe the planets of the Solar system, star clusters and many celestial objects. You will love working with this telescope: an optimal aperture size of 114 mm and quality optics allow for clear and detailed views. There is a smartphone adapter included in the kit. Capture the beautiful views you see, practice in astrophotography and share pictures with your relatives and friends. A perfect combination of high quality, simple operation and affordable price makes Bresser Solarix 114/500 Telescope a wonderful choice for beginners and enthusiast astronomers. Features Magnification: 20x–111x Perfect for celestial, solar and terrestrial observations CE-certified solar filter for safe observations of the Sun A rich kit of accessories for instant observations Smartphone adapter for astrophotography Easy-to-use alt-azimuth mount and a tripod The telescope comes completely assembled – you can start observing right away The kit includes Optical Tube Assembly Alt-azimuth mount Aluminum tripod with spreader bar and eyepiece holders Eyepieces: K-9 mm (1.25'), K-25 mm (1.25') 2x Barlow lens Smartphone adapter Astronomical software and downloadable moon chart User Guide MarchioBresser GmbH, GermanyGaranzia2 anniEAN4007922054353Dimensione confezione (LxPxH)28x113x28 cmPeso spedizione6.5 kgDesign delle otticheriflettoreSchema otticoNewtonianoDiametro lente obiettivo (apertura), mm114Lunghezza focale, mm500Ingrandimento massimo utilizzabile, x230Ingrandimento, x20 — 111Soglia di risoluzione, arcosecondi1.21OculariK9 mm (1,25), K25 mm (1,25)Diametro barilotto dell'oculare, in1,25Cercatorepunto rosso, LEDTreppiedealluminioMontaturaaltazimutaleAlimentazionebatteria CR2032 (3 V) – 1 pz. (inclusa)Livello utenteprincipiantiOggetto osservatooggetti terrestri, oggetti del profondo cielo, pianeti del Sistema Solare, il Sole
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