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Bresser GmbH, Germany SGLV71113

Telescopio Bresser Classic 60/900 AZ

Marca: Bresser GmbH, Germany
Codice: SGLV71113
EUR  159,36
IVA incl.
- +
Telescopio Bresser Classic 60/900 AZ
   Spedizione entro 1 - 2 giorni lavorativi, con possibilità di tempi di consegna prolungati per alcuni articoli. Per verificare la disponibilità, ti invitiamo a contattarci utilizzando il modulo presente nella sezione Contatti.
The Bresser Classic 60/900 AZ Telescope is a long focal length achromatic refractor suitable for observing the solar system planets as well as for landscape and wildlife viewing. You will be able to explore the Moon craters or Saturn's rings. The sharp optics and low weight of Bresser Classic 60/900 AZ make it a versatile beginner's telescope for the young and young at heart astro amateur. The telescope aperture of 60mm and a focal length of 900mm yield excellent image quality. Three eyepieces provide wide magnification range. With the erecting lens, you will be able to get properly oriented images, which is helpful for beginners. With the optical viewfinder 5x24 searching for objects is fast and convenient. The kit includes all necessary accessories to begin observations right out of the box. A sturdy and reliable alt-azimuth mount provides for an easy vertical adjustment of the telescope tube. The smartphone holder allows you to capture amazing photos and videos and share them with your friends and relatives. The included astro software helps you to effortlessly find stars and other celestial objects during observations. Features: Beginner's set with all necessary accessories to start observing immediately Optical design: achromatic refractor Alt-azimuth mount Astronomy software for easy start Smartphone adapter to take images with your smartphone Star chartMarchioBresser GmbH, GermanyGaranzia2 anniEAN4007922039770Dimensione confezione (LxPxH)28x13x90 cmPeso spedizione4.8 kgDesign delle otticherifrattoreSchema otticoacromaticoDiametro lente obiettivo (apertura), mm60Lunghezza focale, mm900Ingrandimento, x45 — 338Diametro barilotto dell'oculare, in1,25Cercatorepunto rossoTreppiedealluminioMontaturaaltazimutale
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